These are some of my favorite Oasis pictures.
Some are old, some are new. If any of them are yours, let me know and I'll give you credit. Enjoy!
Liam looking verrry good.
Hugs and Kisses for a change?
Looking a little Lennon-ish, aren't we Liam?
Liam hosting Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous?
Patsy had the baby, not you Liam.
Liam gives Kangol a good name.
Noel and Gem being sassy.
Liam doing what he does best.
Alan's Costume Party. Liam is Jesus, Alan's the Arab, Liam's handlers as Batman & Robin, and Noel as the decades greatest songwriter.
How can you even explain that???
Liam gets pissy at one of the "bottle festivals".
Liam has a fondness for purple sticky punch?
Liam and Robbie get chummy before the "fat dancer" incident.
You can't get much better than this!
Apparantly even Liam had an awkward phase.
Noel shines...